金力永磁稀土行情简报2315 期(总第 459 期) 05-澳门凯发

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金力永磁稀土行情简报2315 期(总第 459 期) 05-01~05-06

jl mag rare earth industry price briefing 05-01~05-06

week 18,2023

  1. 重要新闻简报 briefing of important news

本周稀土市场行情, 镨钕 、 金属钕 、 镝铁合金 、 金属铽的价格均存在小幅下跌 。亚洲金属网周末价格 : 镨钕金属价格 535-545 元 /kg ;金属钕价格 540-550 元 /kg;镝铁合金价格 1850-1870 元 /kg ;金属铽价格 10400-10600 元 k g 。

this week, the price of prnd, nd metal, dyfe and tb has decreased slightly. prices

from asian metal at this weekend presented: prnd metal 535 545 rmb/kg; nd metal

540 550 rmb/kg; dyfe alloy 1850 1870 rmb/kg; tb metal 10400 10600 rmb/kg.

2. 业内人士 分析 analysis o f professional insiders

5 月 6 日,主要稀土品种主流价格小幅上行,市场活跃度提升 或吹响了价格行情反弹的号角,而利好已然连营。 据业内反映,渠道低价货源几近消失。

on may 6, the mainstream price of the main rare earth varieties rose slightly, the

market activity increased, or sounded the horn of the price rebound, and the good news has already been camp. according to the industry, the channel of low priced goods almost di sappeared.

其次, 据外媒、综合 lynas 定期官宣,若马来西亚彭亨关丹莱纳斯稀土厂营运执照中的多项禁令在 2023 年 7 月 1 日后继续存在,莱纳斯准备 2023 年 7 月起暂时关闭该稀土厂三个月。然后再维持一段时间的低产量,直到卡尔古利稀土加工厂生产的混合稀土碳酸盐送到马来西亚为止。

secondly, accord in g to foreign media and lynas regular official announcement, if the

various bans in the operating license of linus rare earth plant in pahang, malaysia

continue to exist after july 1, 2023, lynas is prepared to temporarily shut d own the rare

earth plant f or three months from july 2023. it then keeps production low for a while

until mixed rare earth carbonates from the kalgoorlie rare earth processing plant are sent to malaysia.

另据美媒 4 月 18 日报道 在缅 甸克钦邦 ( 开采稀 土矿的中国企业承诺停止开采活动,此前有 1000 多名当地居民提出抗议,认为开采稀土会对环境造成破坏。稀土元素对智能手机等许多日常高科技设备的生产至关重要。

according to us media, april 18according to us media, april 18————chinese companies mchinese companies mining rare earth minerals ining rare earth minerals in myanmar's kachin state promised to stop their activities after more in myanmar's kachin state promised to stop their activities after more than 1,000 local than 1,000 local residents protested that the mining would cause damage to the environment. rare earth residents protested that the mining would cause damage to the environment. rare earth elements are crucial to the production of many everyday elements are crucial to the production of many everyday highhigh--tech devices, such as tech devices, such as smartphones.smartphones. 

另外, 根据《全省深入整治规范矿产资源保护开发利用专项行动实施方案》,江西 5 月开始集中整治矿产资源保护开发利用 集 中 整治 (5 月 1 日至 7 月 31 日)。


in addition, according to the implementation plan of the special action on the

protection, development and utilization of mineral resources in the province, jiangxi

began to concentrate on the protection, development and utilization of m i neral resources in may (from may 1 to july 31).

增量方面,海外稀土项目在推进中,行业发展被政治诉求绑架。所以,不是稀土价格高低所能促进和阻拦的。截止 2023 年 5 月的消息, 2023 2024 上半年没有任何新项目投产放量的可能。

in terms of increment, while overseas rare earth projects are being pushed forward,

the industry's development is bein g held hostage by political demands. therefore, it is not the price of rare earths that can promote or discourage. as of may 2023, no new projects are expected to come on stream in the first half of 2023 2024.

综上所述,当前稀土市场行情迎来全面反弹的可能性大。( 产业前沿)

to sum up, the current rare earth market is likely to usher in a full rebound.( ndustry frontier)


土价格高低所能促进和阻拦的。截止 2023 年 5 月的消息, 2023 2024 上半年没有任


in terms of increment, while overseas rare earth projects are being pushed forward,

the industry's development is bein g held hostage by political demands. therefore, it is not

the price of rare earths that can promote or discourage. as of may 2023, no new projects

are expected to come on stream in the first half of 2023 2024.

综上 所述,当前稀土市场行情迎来全面反弹的可能性大。 产业前沿

to sum up, the current rare earth market is likely to usher in a full rebound.

i ndustry f rontier)

北方稀土高科技股份有限公司发布 2023 年 5 月稀土产品挂牌价格 



趋势图(参考亚洲金 属网) tendency chart (refer to asian metal)






2023 年 05 月 06 日

may 06 th ,2023

提示:以上 信息仅供参 考!

notes: the information above is for reference only!
