金力永磁稀土行情简报 2313 期(总第 457 期) 04-澳门凯发

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金力永磁稀土行情简报 2313 期(总第 457 期) 04-10~ 04-14

jl mag rare earth industry price briefing 04-10~04-14

week 15,2023

  1. 重要新闻简报 briefing of important news

本周稀土市场行情, 镨钕 、 金属钕 、 镝铁合金 、 金属铽 的 价格 均 存在 小幅 下跌 。亚洲金属网周末价格 : 镨钕金属价格 592-602元 /kg ;金属钕价格 627-637元 /kg;镝铁合金价格 1880-1900元 /kg ;金属铽价格 11750-11950元 k g 。

this week, the price of prnd, nd metal , dyfe and tb has decreased slightly prices from asian metal at this weekend presented: prnd metal 592 6 02 rmb/kg; nd metal 627-637rmb/kg; dyfe alloy 1880-1900rmb/kg; tb metal 11750-11950rmb/kg.

2. 业内人士 分析 analysis o f professional insiders

本周 (0410-14)稀土整体走势不容乐观,各系产品再次继续出现不同程度的明显下滑,尤其是周后期,镨钕、镝铽主流产品回调幅度增大 。

this week (4.10-14) rare earth overall trend is not optimistic, various products continue to appear different degrees of obvious decline, especially in the late week, prnd dyfe and tb mainstream products to increase the range of c orrection.

进入月中,金属及磁材厂的采购在本周出现了一波采购集中,但与以往看稳或涨不同,采购价格始终不断探底。长期以来的弱势,克制了部分的刚需采购,导致整体产业链的库存相对贫乏,上周上游曾试探性上调最终无效而终后,本周虽有采购峰期却相对短暂 ,且询单量与实际成交并不匹配,导致行业自上而下竞价出货。

into the middle of the month, the pur chas ing of metal and magnetic materials factory

saw a wave of concentrated purchasing this week, but unlike in the past look stable or

rising, purchasing prices have been constantly bottoming out. the long ter m weakness

has restrained the purchase of part of r igid demand, resulting in relatively poor inventory of the whole industrial chain. after last week's tentative increase in the upstream ended in vain, the purchasing peak period this week was relatively sh ort, and the quantity of inquiries did not matc h th e actual transaction, resulting in top down bidding of the industry.

后续判断 ,镨钕系产品可能仍会继续弱势下行,但无论从成本抑或厂家生产状态来看,镨钕继续下行的空间不大,弱势或会相对缓和。重稀土走弱的因素仍在,但高位库存给企业带来的压力必然促使其在当下价位附近缓慢消耗,排除国储等重但高位库存给企业带来的压力必然促使其在当下价位附近缓慢消耗,排除国储等重大利好因素的情况下,整体仍大概率以弱调为主大利好因素的情况下,整体仍大概率以弱调为主。。((瑞道稀土资讯瑞道稀土资讯)) 

according according to sto subsequent judgment, ubsequent judgment, prndprnd products may continue to be weak and products may continue to be weak and decline, but no matter from the perspectivedecline, but no matter from the perspective of cost or production status of manufacturers, of cost or production status of manufacturers, prndprnd has little room to continue to decline, and the weakness may be relatively moderate. has little room to continue to decline, and the weakness may be relatively moderate. the factothe factors ors of the weakening of heavy rare earth are still in place, but the pressure f the weakening of heavy rare earth are still in place, but the pressure brought by thebrought by the high inventory to the enterprise will inevitably prompt it to slowly high inventory to the enterprise will inevitably prompt it to slowly consume near the current price. under the circumstance of excluding major positive consume near the current price. under the circumstance of excluding major positive factors suchfactors such as as state reserves, the overall probability is still mainly weak.state reserves, the overall probability is still mainly weak. (raidao rare (raidao rare earth inearth information)formation)

趋势图(参考亚洲金(参考亚洲金属网)属网)tendency chart (refer to asian metal)





2023 年 04 月 14 日

april 14 th ,2023


notes: the information above is for reference only!
